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Prospect Empty
MessageSujet: Prospect   Prospect EmptyMar 9 Jan 2007 - 15:15

Un mensuel intelligent en anglais qui vaut le détour pour ses articles en profondeur, pour les belles plumes qu'il invite, et pour la rigueur de son contenu. De nombreux articles sont accessibles sans abonnement:

Ci-dessous un florilège de random facts de ce mois-ci, enjoy Smile

The British rail system receives almost £5bn a year in public subsidy—almost four times as much as it did when privatised in 1994. [The Economist, 2nd December 2006]

In recent elections, around half of the French electorate have either not voted or voted for a far left or far right party. [The Nation, 13th November 2006]

Oslo is about the same distance from Rome as it is from the northernmost point of the Norwegian land mass. [Prospect research]

There are no plurals in Chinese. [Wired, December 2006]

Just 1.4 per cent of Iran's population attend Friday prayers. [OpenDemocracy, 14th February 2006]

Nearly half of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans since the beginning of the 19th century has been absorbed by the oceans. [New Yorker, 20th November 2006]

The top 100 bestselling albums in British history include no Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan or Sex Pistols. What a Face [The Guardian, 16th November 2006]

40 per cent of heterosexual British men say they would be justified in hitting their partner if she was unfaithful, and 20 per cent if they thought she was neglecting their children. ["Does Criminal Justice Work?" by Richard Garside, Crime and Society Foundation]
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