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Nombre de messages : 73
Age : 44
Localisation : Suède
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2005

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MessageSujet: Quelques données   Quelques données EmptyMar 3 Avr 2007 - 13:37

Quelques données amusantes, étranges, etc: Il y en a que quelques unes ci-dessous, cliquez sur le lien pour les voir toutes.

Citation :
Nollywood—Nigeria's film industry—produces more films a year than either Hollywood or Bollywood, and is the country's second largest employer. [Prospect]

There is only one ATM in Afghanistan. [Foreign Office] Et ils font comment alors pour retirer de l'argent Question

38,000 people living in London earn over £200,000 per year—over a third of the British total. [Prospect]

Jews in Nice who want to buy an apartment have to pay a fee of €900-7,000 to skirt a Vichy law still on the books. [Jerusalem Post, 1st March 2007] Vous êtiez au courant de ça ?

In America, politicians now rank second only to car manufacturers in spending on local television adverts. Between now and the end of 2008, they will spend $2.5bn in advertising. [Prospect]

Indonesia has higher net carbon emissions per year than the US when forest clearances and fires are taken into account. [Prospect]

A study of the 101 known suicide bombers in Iraq from March 2003 to February 2006 found that only seven were from Iraq. Eight were from Italy Shocked [New Republic, 22nd January 2007]

71 per cent of Russians do not see themselves as European. [Moscow Times, 1st March 2007] Il serait intéressant de voir la moyenne de l'UE á ce sujet Arrow

More than half of the London underground network is overground. Laughing [Prospect research]

Between 25,000 and 100,000 Indian farmers commit suicide every year. [The Hindu, 25th February 2007]

Since 1961, 40 US senators have run for president. Every one has failed. [New York Times, 4th March 2007] Hillary sera t-elle donc la 1ère ?

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